Top 10 Greatest Hits from 2013

On politically paralyzed Capitol Hill, Cater launched a multi-media report showing Americans from across the political spectrum getting on with the business of building a clean energy future.
At the historic heart of America’s auto industry, Detroit has not always been eager to embrace more efficient cars. But Cater worked with the president of the Michigan Automobile Dealers Association to engage national and key Detroit media through radio tours and a column touting electric vehicles in the elusive Detroit News.
Cater organized five grassroots tours with Young Conservatives for Energy Reform and CNA Military Advisory Board members in Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, and South Carolina. Retired generals explained the economic and national security benefits of reducing fossil fuel dependence.
To prevent a key report on California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard from being framed as an “us vs. them” story, Cater positioned it as a release of newly available market trends and data by leading industry analysts.
As leaders in the Northeast were negotiating changes to the nation’s first effort to put a mandatory price on carbon, Cater spearheaded Businesses for a Clean Economy’s work explaining the economic benefits of setting strong pollution limits.
Cater Communications worked with the Consumer Federation of America to highlight the growing demand for electric cars and other clean vehicles. When eight states announced an agreement to put millions more zero-emissions vehicles on the road, Cater and CFA made a splash in news outlets across the country.
Cater launched CalCharge’s Battery University at San Jose State. It’s the world’s first master’s degree program in advanced energy storage technology, and Bill Gates took to Twitter to call it a “great idea.”
Cater’s Stop Fooling California, an online and social media campaign, has reached more than 2 million people, exposing Big Oil’s efforts to derail California’s clean energy and clean fuel standards.
Cater spearheaded the strategic release of America’s Power Plan, a project curated by the Energy Foundation and Energy Innovation, which engaged electricity sector leaders in VIP conversations around the country.